Thursday, November 14, 2013

How do I pack for a year...?

Hello and welcome...(how do I start a blog post?)

A little intro for those of you who have no idea why I am writing a blog...

I decided it would be a good experience to teach English abroad after graduating from college. I graduated in June of 2013 from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in Microbiology (no, not education or English or anything remotely relevant to teaching English to impressive young minds). This decision was combination of 1) the bleak prospects of the American job market 2) not wanting to wash beakers as a lab tech as my first job out of college 3) my very persuasive roommate Jenny.

Jenny and I played with the idea of teaching abroad and she expelled any doubts I had about moving to a country I knew nothing about. (Luckily for her, she is currently teaching in Spain and she is fluent in Spanish, whereas I have mastered "hello" in Korean.)

After waiting most of the summer, my application was accepted and I had a skype interview with Avalon School. Avalon is basically a huge network of schools operated like franchises. I will be teaching at JukJeon Middle right outside of Seoul (see map).

 That's not a whole lot of information, but I am leaving tomorrow morning and I have a years' worth of just about everything (especially American goods ie tequila, pumpkin pie spice, instant pudding) to pack. Damn you United Airlines for only allowing one checked bag on international flights!

This time tomorrow, I'll be flying over the Pacific...wish me luck!

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